Lectio for Families - 24-7 Prayer International
A free downloadable app with daily sessions to read and pray the Bible together as a family. The Lectio for Families app has been designed for families with children aged between 7-11 years old, but is likely to be suitable for those who are younger and slightly older too!
Engage At Home - daily family prayer and worship activities - engageworship
A number of themed faith based activities for families that include a simple prayer or worship activity to engage with together, using movement, interaction, craft, play and more. We varied the themes and types of engagement with God, and you’ll be able to adapt the ideas to suit your family.
Parenting for Faith | Chat and Catch (
Parenting for Faith | Chat and catch with under fives (
Ideas from Parenting for Faith on helping children develop their own relationship with God through prayer - a two way conversation with God.
World Watch List 2024 Children's Pack - Open Doors UK & Ireland
FREE to order online. An interactive family experience in praying for countries where it is hard to live as a Christian. Grab your Prayer Passport and set off on a journey of prayer together with the secret church.