Find out more about what activities and events we have coming up
We would love you to come and join us for any of our regular or one-off events …
10:30AM - 12.00PM - SUNDAY MORNING GATHERING with groups catering for children from age 0 - 18.
We love to worship God and lift up Jesus as we gather together from different backgrounds and ages on Sunday mornings. We will sing together as well as pray, hear ‘God stories’, and any important news that needs to be communicated. There are groups for children from 0 up to young people who are 18 and most weeks they leave for their age appropriate input around 11:00am. There is a time of applied Biblical teaching with the opportunity for prayer and ministry. We share communion together as part of these gatherings too (except the first Sunday of the month which is in the evening)
Followed by refreshments
6:30PM - WORSHIP & COMMUNION - (1st Sunday of each month)
This a time focussed on Jesus death and resurrection where we share bread and wine together. There is no sermon prepared but there is the opportunity for anyone to share, pray and chose a song.
4:00PM - SONGS OF PRAISE - (see dates and times below)
An opportunity for all, whether part of a church or not, who love hymns and songs, both old and new to come and worship through them.
Sunday 16th February 2025
Sunday 11th May 2025
ENCOUNTER-(see dates and times below)
A time of extended, unhurried worship and hearing from God for one another
Sunday 9th February - 7:30PM
Sunday 13th April - 7:30PM
Sunday 8th June - 7:30PM
Sunday 21st September - 7:30PM
Sunday 16th November - 7:30PM
10:00AM - 1:00PM - QUILTERS GROUP(weekly) If you are interested in attending this group please email office@hillviewchurch.net for more information and to make contact with the group leader
10:00AM - 12:00PM - SHORT MAT BOWLS (alternate weeks) A group for men and women of any age. Open to anyone wishing to have a go - come along and try our friendly group. You are welcome to just turn up or for more information email office@hillviewchurch.net
7:00PM - CELEBRATE RECOVERY (every week). Refreshments from 6:30PM
A weekly group following a programme that helps people address a variety of hurts, hang-ups and habits. For more info visit www.celebraterecovery.co.uk or contact one of the group leaders, Rob on 07899878790 or Claire on 07788721901. You are welcome to just turn up or contact one of the leaders beforehand.
6:30PM - 7:30PM - KIDZONE (For children in school Y2 - Y5) Kidzone runs weekly in term time. Come and join us for a fun filled hour of games, craft, and a Bible story. New children welcome!
6:30PM - 7:30PM - COZ(For children in school Y6 - Y8) COZ runs weekly in term time. We play games, eat food, watch videos, read the Bible and pray together - all in an hour! New young people welcome to join us!
10:00AM - 12:00PM - HILLVIEW NATTERS - (1st Wednesday each month)
A coffee morning with homemade cakes for all on the first Wednesday of the month
Alternate weeks at church or on Zoom. Please email office@hillviewchurch.net for more details
7:30PM - 9:00PM - LIFE MATTERS - (Quarterly - online using Zoom)
A time to explore challenging life issues or questions in the light of our faith with an experienced guest speaker sharing the biblical view. Please email office@hillviewchurch.net for more details of future sessions and Zoom link.
10:00AM - 11:30AM - NOAH’S ARK
A group for babies and toddlers with their parents and carers. Please visit www.hillviewchurch.net/noahs-ark for more information about the group
CELEBRATE RECOVERY is a Christ-centred 12 Step recovery programme designed to help people address a variety of hurts, hang-ups and habits. The programme originated from Saddleback Church in California in 1991. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from issues that control our lives.
More information can be found via the Celebrate Recovery Website
Who can the group help?
Is Celebrate Recovery for you? | Celebrate Recovery UK
Runs every Monday evening starting at 7:00PM -
We are open from 6:30PM for refreshments.
You are welcome to just turn up or contact one of the group leaders, either Rob on 07899878790 // Claire on 07788721901.
Booking essential - please sign up by clicking on image above or link here
Our next Sweaty Church session is on SATURDAY 29TH MARCH at 3:30PM.
Sweaty Church is church with a difference for all the family. For more information about dates and to book on please click on the image above to visit the FAMILIES page